Call for Applications: IDIH Experts from China, Japan, or South Korea

Call for Applications: IDIH Experts from China, Japan, or South Korea

As announced earlier, IDIH is setting up an expert-driven “Digital Health Transformation Forum”, consisting of four Expert Groups, which aims to become a long-lasting mechanism for international dialogue in digital health.

The call for application for experts from the EU, USA and Canada is officially closed. But the deadline for applications has been extended for experts from South Korea, Japan, or China!

Would you like to become part of a sustainable platform for international cooperation in digital health? Meet experts in your field from the EU, US, Canada, China, Japan and South Korea? Participate in three workshops worldwide? Contribute to a roadmap with proposals for future collaboration?

Then hurry up: check out the Expert Groups page of this website and apply without further delay!
Deadline is 28th February 2020!
