The EU-project IDIH project was initiated with the objective to further enhance international collaboration to advance digital health supporting AHA through innovation.

To work towards this goal, IDIH has created the Digital Health Transformation Forum, a long-lasting and expert-driven catalyst to foster collaboration between the EU and five Strategic Partner countries, i.e. Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and the USA, which brought together experts, policy makers, and users from the six regions in a series of consultations and co-creation sessions to jointly develop a roadmap towards enhanced international collaboration in this field.

Along its way towards creating this roadmap, IDIH has conducted several in-depth studies, such as an assessment of the international collaboration landscape in digital health and AHA with a regional focus on the EU and the Strategic Partner Countries (Canada, China, Japan, South Korea, USA) and a thematic focus on research priorities, challenges, funding programmes, and other framework conditions, contributing to build a basis for the experts’ work in the project. Furthermore, the project also produced guidebooks that provide information on funding opportunities, and numerous other materials and tools, such as podcasts, magazines, a dedicated helpdesk etc. After the end of the project these results will remain accessible through the IDIH website, the IDIH Long-term matchmaking platform, and a dedicated IDIH page on CORDIS.

More information on the various IDIH results and how to access them can be found below.

IDIH Long-term Matchmaking Platform for networking among international key stakeholders of digital solutions for AHA, with more than 400 participants registered (e.g. companies, universities, R&D institutions, associations, health authorities, care providers). The platform enables to schedule and have one-to-one meetings at any time, as such enabling stakeholders to build and further strengthen first connections.  It has also served as a platform to promote various IDIH events and activities.

UPDATE: With the end of the IDIH project, this platform is now turning in the International Experts Forum for Health Innovation, under the umbrella of the international network ENRICH GLOBAL, continuing to serve as an expert-driven and long-lasting umbrella mechanism to enhance international cooperation and policy dialogue on global health issues at large.

If you are not yet registered on the platform, but would like to become a part of the IDIH community and join the International Experts Forum for Health Innovation

This will also enable you to create your online profile specifying your Area of Activity and/or expertise request/offer in a Marketplace + Schedule B2B-meetings with potential international partners.

IDIH has elaborated a roadmap to enhance international cooperation in digital health for AHA, which is the main outcome of the project. The roadmap is the result of the work of the Digital Health Transformation Forum that, through an expert-driven approach, has gathered top-notch experts, executives, and advocacy groups from the six regions covered by the consortium. The names of the IDIH experts from the six regions, as well as the organisations that they are representing, are displayed below (and more information about the Forum and the experts can be found here).

This work has allowed to identify common priorities and opportunities of mutual benefit in digital health for AHA, outlining the path towards enhancing international cooperation in this domain.

The IDIH Roadmap, following a two-fold structure (WHAT to enhance & HOW to enhance), presents three Priority Topics for international collaboration identified by IDIH experts, accordingly, validated by policy makers, funding agencies and users actively involved in the project:

  • Priority 1 – Data Governance
  • Priority 2 – Digital Inclusion
  • Priority 3 – Interoperability by Design

Together with a detailed description of the three selected Priority Topics and their expected impacts, the Roadmap:

(1) identifies the main barriers and challenges to international collaboration and

(2) presents a comprehensive analysis of enablers and opportunities for such types of collaborations.

Additionally, in line with the United Nations decade of healthy ageing, the Roadmap presents an 8-year Action Plan until 2030 including concrete actions and recommendations for the implementation of the three Priority Topics at national/international level.

Following a dedicated dissemination strategy, the IDIH Roadmap will be distributed in two different formats (long document and short visual version) to all relevant target groups: Funding agencies & Policymakers, User& Patient associations, R&I experts, Clusters, Strategic Cluster Partnerships and Networks.

➤ Accessible through: 


The Magazines on Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) – Policies, projects, initiatives, and the voice of experts in the field, are composed of 6 sections.

➤ Accessible through:


Ad-hoc advice to RTI stakeholders from the EU and the Strategic Partner Countries on Funding Programmes and Calls that offer opportunities for international cooperation in the field of Digital Health and AHA. The Helpdesk will be maintained after the end of the IDIH project as part of APRE’s role as hub of the National Contact Points of Horizon Europe.

➤ The helpdesk service will be continued through the e-mail address and a phone service +39 06 48 93 99 93.

A compendium of current and upcoming funding opportunities addressed to RDI stakeholders, care providers and user associations supporting international cooperation in Digital Health and AHA. 

➤ Accessible through:

Virtual four-days events dedicated to interconnect researchers, innovators, care providers and users’ associations dealing with Digital Health for AHA with different networking opportunities.

➤ Presentations, recording and videos are freely available through here: [REPLAY – IDIH Week 2021] | [REPLAY – IDIH Week 2022]

Three reports related to the analysis of the international collaboration landscape in AHA and 12 reports on stakeholder consultations, networking events, dissemination materials

➤  Accessible through:

The IDIH Consortium will ensure the sustainability of its Digital Health Transformation Forum and its experts, the IDIH “wider” Community of +400 stakeholders gathered in the project platform, the IDIH Users Consultation Group (7 members from 5 regions), and the Programme Level Cooperation, (13 policy makers/6 funding Agencies) through the ENRICH GLOBAL “Heath Innovation” Thematic Group under the umbrella of the ENRICH GLOBAL international network.

Therefore, in the occasion of the IDIH Week 2022, the International Experts Forum for Health Innovation within the ENRICH GLOBAL “Health Innovation” Thematic Group has been launched. This new Forum will further enhance international cooperation, starting from the field of Digital Health for AHA, but also going beyond, embracing R&I on global health challenges at large.