The Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i) is committed to helping companies and universities to innovate and internationalise (hence 2i) and was founded in 2016 as a 100% spin-off of the “Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum”. It has offices located in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe.
S2i supports the work of the Commissioner for Europe of Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing and focuses on providing professional services for the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. The core activities of S2i are to assist organisations to participate in European R&D projects, to support the management of international research projects, to give assistance in the exploitation of research results, to promote transnational technology transfer and to stimulate and support the innovation process within industrial companies.
As a member of the Steinbeis network and a partner in the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), S2i also forms a bridge to Europe for companies, research organisations, universities, administrations and policy makers.
S2i has the lead of the following Work Packages:
- Preparatory work – Analysis of the international collaboration landscape in active and healthy aging
- Project management and coordination
- Ethics requirements
Website: https://www.steinbeis-europa.de/en/
Main contact: Dr. Kristin Dallinger – Project Manager
Mail: kristin.dallinger@steinbeis-europa.de