News & Events

News & Events2022-05-04T13:12:43+00:00

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The IDIH Week 2022 has been a 4-day online event dedicated to researchers, innovators, care providers and users’ associations dealing with Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA). Information, Partnering, and Innovation sessions as well as Regional Workshops have been held between March 21 and March 24, involving the key stakeholders of digital solutions [...] and IDIH projects organize a joint webinar to provide a stage for professionals to share their experiences and insights on data sharing and data regulation in the field of open platforms and digital technology for active and healthy ageing and discuss related challenges on the path towards their broader upscale across borders in Europe. The webinar will [...]

This event is organized by the IDIH project and it is open and free of charge. IDIH’s objective is to foster collaboration in the field of digital health for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) between the European Union and five Strategic Partner Countries (USA, Canada, China, Japan, and South Korea). By establishing a “Digital Health Transformation Forum”, the [...]

IDIH project aims at enhancing international collaboration in the field of digital transformation for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA). As part of this, one of the main activities of the project has been setting up an expert-driven “Digital Health Transformation Forum”, which is expected to become a long-lasting mechanism for international dialogue in digital health. [...]

IDIH Week 2021: 1 – 4 June 2021

June 1, 2021 - June 4, 2021

A 4 days online event dedicated to researchers, innovators, care providers and users associations dealing with Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA). The online event will integrate the following: Information, Networking&Matchmaking, and Co-creation sessions among all the key stakeholders of digital solutions for AHA in Europe, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and USA. [...]