Meet our experts

Dr Takao Tashiro
The Open University of Japan
Takao Tashiro, MD and PhD., is currently giving lectures at the Open University of Japan as the professor of Liberal Arts.

Giovanni Saggio
Italy – Expert from the EU
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Giovanni Saggio is a Researcher and Aggregate Professor at the Electronic Engineering Department of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

Hye-Jin Kim
South Korea
Baekseok University
Dr Hye-Jin Kim holds a Ph. D in Special Education from Columbia University Teacher College.

Steven S. Charlap
SOAP Health
Steven Charlap’s healthcare career, which spans over 30 years, has taken him in several directions.

Yiqiang Chen
Chinese National Institute of Science and Technology
Dr Yiqiang Chen is a professor and Director of the Research Center for Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Yves Joanette
Université de Montréal
Yves Joanette is Professor in Cognitive neurosciences of aging at the Faculty of Medicine of the Université de Montréal.
Focus: Early diagnosis and detection
AHA (Active and Healthy Ageing) begins with a prolonged health regimen. Tech-enabled solutions that engage users in health and wellness techniques will allow active and meaningful senior lifestyles.
Current State: The current state of technologies in the preventative care realm include wearable technology, which is primarily based around safety and vital monitoring, and health technology that utilises new ways to allow individuals to remain active and healthy when advancing in age. General health and wellness technologies allow users to practice in a conscious and participatory way. These applications allow for coaching, testing for sharpness, and more clinical applications that can detect conditions early on. New advances in health devices add to the internet of things (IoT) that can affect healthcare; apps that test and practice visual acuity, gamified memory apps, health logging and medicine reminders all help delay onset of issues associated with age. With greater access to medical data, and the ability to monitor it at home, solutions can now utilise Artificial Intelligence (AI) and clinical workflows to assist health awareness like sleep cycle, blood sugar, exercise, and blood pressure. The most advanced solutions can communicate across the continuum of care, looping in professionals to monitor and suggest modifications in lifestyle, increasing the potential for early detection.
IDIH project focus: The focus of IDIH within this field will be on innovative technological themes and applications on early diagnosis and detection such as health information technology, mHealth, portable and wearable devices, eHealth, telehealth/connected health, gamification, big data analytics, personal genomics, health and wellness apps, interoperability, social media and quantified self.