Examples of relevant initiatives and projects related to AHA and Health Research and Innovation with who IDIH has been collaborating:
AAL is a European programme funding innovation that keeps us connected, healthy, active and happy into our old age. AAL support the development of products and services that make a real difference to people’s lives.
AGE Platform Europe is a European network of non-profit organisations of and for people aged 50+, which aims to voice and promote the interests of the 200 million citizens aged 50+ in the European Union (Eurostat, 2018) and to raise awareness on the issues that concern them most.
CHERRIES, Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies is an EU funded project aimed at enabling Responsible, Research and Innovation (RRI) policy experiments in the healthcare sector in three European territories – in Murcia (ES), Örebro (SE) and the Republic of Cyprus.
eCARE is a European project that aims to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty. Its goal is to encourage independent living, wellbeing and to relieve health and care services budget pressure.
eHealth Hub is a new EU-funded initiative that is cross-border and exclusively focused on the digital health vertical. It will provide long-term support to the ecosystem stakeholders and address key challenges facing European SMEs in this space.
The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.
Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World is a multi-stakeholder forum of EU citizens, patients, health and care providers, government authorities, innovators, researchers, civil society and policymakers engaged in discussion, exchange and dissemination of innovations, policies and challenges related to active and healthy living and ageing with digital tools.
GATEKEEPER main objective is enabling the creation of a platform that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, and elderly citizens and the communities they live in, in order to originate an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for the ageing populations.
HSMonitor is a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) project investing in Research and Development (R&D) services towards innovative ICT-enabled monitoring solutions to improve health status and optimise hypertension care.
The PlatformUptake.eu project assesses the societal impact of open platforms for the development of innovative solutions in the AHA domain, creates monitoring and evaluation toolkits, collects successful user stories and best practices to promote common evolution of such platforms within existing policy frameworks and initiatives.
To stimulate developments in personalised health and support the uptake in all European regions, including sparsely populated and remote regions, the EU recently awarded a coordination and support action on Securing the Adoption of Personalised Health in Regions – SAPHIRe.
SENET (the Sino-European Health NETworking Hub) aims to create a sustainable health networking and knowledge hub between Europe and China. Cooperation efforts focused on common health challenges will facilitate favorable conditions for a continuous and sustainable dialogue between China and the EU.
The SHAPES Innovation Action (IA) intends to build, pilot and deploy a large-scale, EU-standardised open platform. The integration of a broad range of technological, organisational, clinical,educational and societal solutions seeks to facilitate long-term healthy and active ageing.