2,4 millions € budget, co-funded by the EU, to tackle the challenge of an upcoming age-quake.

Rapidly ageing societies, increased prevalence of new chronic conditions and multiple morbidities call for innovative approaches and technologies and international collaboration.

Promoting and increasing international collaboration to support active and healthy ageing through innovation.

An expert-driven approach will ensure the involvement of RDI and policy stakeholders, as well as user associations where relevant.
Stakeholder Benefits
The IDIH project would like to bring a benefit to and involve different stakeholder groups in the EU and the Strategic Partner Countries through its activities.
Research, Development and Innovation / Research, Technology and Innovation Stakeholders and industry representatives:
Various project activities will be targeted to EU and Strategic Partner Country RDI and industry stakeholders involved in digital health.
Society / user groups, notably elderly population:
User associations will be specifically invited to take an active part in the Digital Health Transformation Forum, as IDIH aims to place ‘the patient’ at the heart of its investigations.
Policy makers:
The project will seek to share its and results with policy makers in the EU and Strategic Partner Countries and will also put a particular emphasis on consulting policy makers and funding agencies regarding common priority areas and involving them in the processes implemented by the Digital Health Transformation Forum and its Expert Groups notably regarding the roadmap development.
Networks, clusters and other innovation ‘facilitators/multipliers’:
This stakeholder group will act primarily as intermediary between the activities of the project and RDI stakeholders, with the aim to share key activities and events of the project and thus reach a wide audience and exploit economies of scale.
Relevant projects / initiatives:
Numerous projects and initiatives exist on EU level, but also in the EU Member States and in the Strategic Partner Countries. IDIH will set up specific collaborative activities to ensure existing efforts are taken into account and synergies are exploited with the aim of maximising impact for the RTI and policy community.
General public:
Will be addressed in order to raise awareness for the importance of international cooperation on digital health supporting active and healthy ageing through innovation, and its benefits on economic and societal levels. However, due to the limited resources of IDIH, this broad target group will mainly be addressed by open dissemination tools/channels, such as the project website and social media, also containing some general information and giving access to the IDIH newsletter. No exclusive events for the general public are planned.