APRE, www.apre.it, is a no-profit research organization created in 1989 as a joint initiative of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and of some public and private bodies, to meet the growing demand for information on European research programmes. First reality of its kind, APRE’ mission is to support the scientific and industrial communities along the path to Europe and beyond, by providing information, training and assistance on the Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation of the European Commission.
APRE is at the heart of a network of more than 130 members from the academia to private sector, including: public and private research centres, universities, scientific parks, public administrations, trade associations, financial bodies, chambers of commerce, technological districts, enterprises
APRE has a long-lasting experience in the EC Framework Programmes, which started with the Third Framework Programme (FP3). Since then and during its almost 30 years of activities APRE has been participating to more than 150 projects co-financed by the European Commission (DG Research, DG Education, DG HOME, DG GROWTH, DG CONNECT and DG Enterprise), mainly for supporting and coordinating research in Europe and beyond through policy recommendations, organization of events and performing trainings, with a strong focus on international cooperation and stakeholder engagement.
In the Seventh Framework Programme and in Horizon 2020, APRE has been appointed, by the Italian Ministry of Research, host organization of the Italian National Contact Points for all the themes and sectors.
Website: www.apre.it
Main contact: Martina Desole – Head of international Cooperation
Mail: desole(at)apre.it